Changing The Font, Font Size & Font Color

To Change the Font Size:

  1. Select the text you wish to modify.
  2. Click the drop-down arrow next to the Font Size box on the Home tab. A drop-down menu appears.
  3. Move the mouse pointer over the various font sizes. A live preview of the font size will appear in the document.
  4. Changing the font size       Changing the font size  
  5. Select the font size you wish to use.
You can also use the Grow Font and Shrink Font commands to change the size.
    The Grow Font and Shrink Font commands       The Grow Font and Shrink Font commands

To Change the Font:


  1. Select the text you wish to modify.
  2. Click the drop-down arrow next to the Font box on the Home tab. The Font drop-down menu appears.
  3. Move the mouse pointer over the various fonts. A live preview of the font will appear in the document.
  4. Changing the font Changing the font  
  5. Select the font you wish to use. The font will change in the document.

To Change the Font Color:


  1. Select the text you wish to modify.
  2. Click the Font Color drop-down arrow on the Home tab. The Font Color menu appears.
  3. Move the mouse pointer over the various font colors. A live preview of the color will appear in the document.
  4. Changing the font color   Changing the font color  
  5. Select the font color you wish to use. The font color will change in the document.
Your color choices aren't limited to the drop-down menu that appears. Select More Colors at the bottom of the list to access the Colors dialog box. Choose the color that you want and click OK.

To Highlight Text:


  1. From the Home tab, click the Text Highlight Color drop-down arrow. The Highlight Color menu appears.
  2. Choosing a highlight color Choosing a highlight color  
  3. Select the desired highlight color.
  4. Select the text you wish to modify. It will then be highlighted.
  5. Highlighting text Highlighting text
  6. To switch back to the normal cursor, click the Text Highlight Color command.                              



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